Tuesday, December 9, 2014

বাংলাদেশ থেকে যখন ভ্রমণ কিভাবে আন্তর্জাতিক অভিভাবক শিশু অপহরণ প্রতিরোধ

শিশু অপহরণ প্রতিরোধ আমি কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন এর আন্তর্জাতিক পর্যটন শিশু সম্মতি ফরম ব্যবহার করা উচিত আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ভ্রমণ সন্তানদের সঙ্গে বাবা

আই কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন-এর শিশুর অন্তর্দেশীয় ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্র এখন বাংলায় পাওয়া যাচ্ছে

আই কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন-এর শিশুর অন্তর্দেশীয় ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্র প্রবর্তনের উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে শিশুর বাবা-মায়েদের দ্বারা তাদের অপহরণ আন্তর্জাতিক স্তরে প্রতিরোধ করা, যার সঙ্গে যুক্ত আছে শিশুর কোন এক অভিভাবকের দ্বারা শিশুকে ভিনদেশে অন্যায়ভাবে আটকে রাখা এবং এটি এখন বাংলা ভাষাতেও পাওয়া যাচ্ছে। এর ভ্রমণ নিদর্শটি মূলত যে আইনি বিষয়গুলিকে সম্বোধিত করে যেগুলি ১৯৮০ সালের শিশু অপরহণ বিষয়ক হেগ নিয়মপত্রকে কেন্দ্র করে আবর্তিত এবং আন্তর্জাতিক স্তরে বাংলা ভাষাভাষী দেশগুলির সঙ্গে যুক্ত বাবা-মায়েদের দ্বারা তাদের শিশুদের সম্ভাব্য অপহরণের ঘটনাগুলির তদারকির দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত আদালতসমূহের সহায়তা প্রদান করে, একটি অনন্য, বিশ্বজুড়ে সুবিদিত শিশু অপহরণরোধী এমন সাধনীসহ, যা আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে সেই সমস্ত আইনি, কূটনৈতিক ও বিচারবিভাগীয় সম্প্রদায় দ্বারা উচ্চপ্রশংসিত, যারা আন্তর্জাতিক স্তরে অভিভাবকীয় শিশু অপহরণের ঘটনার সঙ্গে সুপরিচিত।
আই কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন দ্বারা ২০১৪ সালে গ্রীষ্মকালে একটি বিস্তৃত অধ্যয়ন চালানো হয়েছিল সারা বিশ্বজুড়ে সহস্রাধিক আইনজীবী ও বিচারপতিদের সমীক্ষার মধ্যে দিয়ে, যাঁরা আন্তর্জাতিক অভিভাবকীয় শিশু অপরহণের ঘটনার সঙ্গে সুপরিচিত। এই সমীক্ষা থেকে দেখা গেছে যে, ১৯৮০ সালের শিশু অপরহরণ বিষয়ক হেগ সম্মেলনে স্বাক্ষরকারী চুরানম্বইটি দেশে অভিভাবকীয় অপহরণের যত ঘটনা রয়েছে তার মধ্যে ৭০%-এরও বেশির ঘটনায় এটি সাধারণভাবে দেখা গেছে যে, একটি শিশুর কোন এক অভিভাবক (বাবা বা মা), অপর অভিভাবকের সম্মতি বা আদালতের রায় ব্যতিরেকে শিশুকে নিয়ে দেশান্তরে চলে গেছেন এবং সেখানে তাকে অন্যায়ভাবে আটকে রেখেছেন এবং এইভাবে তিনি অপর অভিভাবকের শিশুর হেফাজতের অধিকার খর্ব করেছেন। এই সমীক্ষা থেকে আরও যে সিদ্ধান্তে আসা গেছে তা হল, ১৯৮০ সালের হেগ শিশু অপরহরণ নিয়মপত্রের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কযুক্ত ঘটনাগুলিতে শিশুকে আটক করে রাখার ঘটনার সংখ্যাধিক্য অবাক করে দেবার মতো। এই সমস্ত অপহরণকারী অভিভাবকেরা প্রায়শই হেগ নিয়মপত্রে অপহরণের যুক্তি হিসেবে ১২ ও ১৩ নম্বর অনুচ্ছেদ দুটিতে তাঁদের প্রদত্ত সুরক্ষার ব্যবস্থাকে কাজে লাগায় এই প্রত্যাশা থেকে যে, যে দেশে তাঁরা শিশুকে অপহরণ করে রেথেছেন সেই দেশের আদালত শিশুটিকে তার নিজের মূল অধিক্ষেত্রের দেশে ফিরিয়ে না দিতে নিজেদের আইন প্রয়োগ করবে।
হেগ স্থায়ী ব্যুরো-র মহাসচিব ডঃ ক্রিস্টোফার বার্নাস্কোনি হেগের পীস প্যালেসে অনুষ্ঠিত 2014 সালের ইউরোপের অভিভাবকীয় অপহরণ সংক্রান্ত ঘটনার আইনজীবীদের বসন্তকালীন সম্মেলনে, এবং নিউ ইয়র্কে 2014 সালের বৈবাহিক আইনজীবীদের আন্তর্জাতিক অ্যাকাডেমির বসন্তকালীন সম্মলনে বক্তব্য রাখতে গিয়ে বলেছেন যে, আই কেয়ার-এর শিশুর অন্তর্দেশীয় ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্র অত্যন্ত সুচিন্তিত একটি নিদর্শ, যা অনুকরণযোগ্য এবং শিশু অপহরণরোধে চূড়ান্ত সহায়ক একটি সাধনী, যা বিদেশে ভ্রমণরত শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে কাজে লাগানো যেতে পারে। সেই সঙ্গে, হেগ স্থায়ী ব্যুরো প্রতিনিধি জাপানের সাপ্পোরোতে অনুষ্ঠিত সাপ্পোরো বার অ্যাসোসিয়েশন-এর হেগ আলোচনাচক্রে বিপুল সংখ্যক আইনজীবী শ্রোতাদের উদ্দেশ্যে বক্তব্য রাখতে গিয়ে আই কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন-এর ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্রটির অসীম উপযোগিতার কথা তুলে ধরেছিলেন।
মহাসচিব ডঃ বার্নাস্কোনি অতীতে বলেছেন, “ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্রটি দেখার সুযোগ আমার হয়েছিল এবং আমাকে বলতেই হবে যে, আমি অভিভূতঃ এটি আমার দেখা নিজের শ্রেণিতে সর্বাঙ্গীনতম একটি নথি এবং আমি এ ব্যাপারে একেবারেই সন্দেহাতীত যে, শিশু অপরহণ রোধের জন্য এইটিই সবচেয়ে মূল্যবান ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি প্রচেষ্টা যা আজ পর্যন্ত করা হয়েছে। আমি আপনাদের এই মহতী প্রচেষ্টার উচ্চপ্রশংসা করি এবং আপনার কর্মীদলকে আমার আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন জানাই…আপনাদের তৈরি করা এই ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্রটি কত দ্রুত কত কার্যকরী ফলদান করতে শুরু করেছে এবং কত সুচারু রূপে আপনারা এর তদারকি করে চলেছেন তা দেখে বিস্মিত হতে হয় – এটি সত্যিই অনবদ্য।”
আই কেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন-এর ভ্রমণ নিদর্শকে সফলতার সঙ্গে শিশুদের অন্তর্দেশীয় ভ্রমণের ঘটনাগুলির ক্ষেত্রে হাতে-কলমে প্রয়োগ করে দেখানো হয়েছে। আন্তর্জাতিক স্তরে হেগ-কেন্দ্রিক শিশু অপহরণের ঘটনাগুলি রোধে এই সম্মতিপত্র সার্বিকভাবে কতটা কার্যকরী তা আমার এখনও প্রত্যক্ষ করে চলেছি। আমরা এ ব্যাপারে চূড়ান্ত আশাবাদী যে আমাদের এই হেগ-কেন্দ্রিক ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্রটি সার্বিকভাবে আন্তর্জাতিক স্তরে অভিভাবকীয় শিশু অপহরণের ঘটনাগুলিকে উল্লেখযোগ্যভাবে কমিয়ে আনতে সফল হবেই। আমরা আমাদের ফলপ্রসূ গবেষণা থেকে দেখেছি শিশু অপহরণের ঘটনাগুলির মধ্যে ৭০%-এরও বেশির ক্ষেত্রে দেখা গেছে যে শিশুকে বাইরের কোন দেশে নিয়ে গিয়ে অন্যায়ভাবে আটকে রাখা হয়েছে – আর আমাদের প্রবর্তিত ভ্রমণ নিদর্শটি অভিভাবকীয় শিশু অপহরণের ক্ষেত্রে ঠিক এই বিষয়টির বিরুদ্ধেই রক্ষাকবচ তৈরি করতে সক্ষম হয়েছে।
আমাদের এই ভ্রমণের সম্মতিপত্রটি তৈরি ও ব্যবহার বেশ সহজঃ শিশুদের জাদুর দুনিয়ায় থাকার ও অভিভাবকদের দ্বারা অপহৃত হয়ে যাবার উদ্বেগহীন একটি পৃথিবীতে জীবনযাপন করার অধিকার রয়েছে। আর একই সঙ্গে, যে সমস্ত অভিভাবকেরা এই ধরনের অপহরহণের ঘটনার শিকার হচ্ছেন তাঁদেরও এমন এক সমাজ পাওয়ার অধিকার আছে যে সমাজ তাঁদের শিশুদের অপহরণ হয়ে যাওয়া থেকে রক্ষা করতে পারে। আমরা এই সকল অধিকারগুলি অস্তিত্বে বিশ্বাসী। অতএব, আমাদের কাজ ও নিষ্ঠা সেই লক্ষ্যেই জারি থাকবে।

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Το Διεθνές Έντυπο Συναίνεσης σε Ταξίδι Παιδιού του Ιδρύματος I CARE Διατίθεται στα Ελληνικά

Το Διεθνές Έντυπο Συναίνεσης σε Ταξίδι Παιδιού του Ιδρύματος I CARE Διατίθεται στα Ελληνικά

Το Διεθνές Έντυπο Συναίνεσης σε Ταξίδι Παιδιού του Ιδρύματος I CARE που δημιουργήθηκε για να αποτρέψει την απαγωγή παιδιού διεθνώς από γονέα η οποία σχετίζεται με την παράνομη κατακράτηση παιδιού από έναν γονέα σε χώρα της αλλοδαπής διατίθεται τώρα και στα Ελληνικά. Το έντυπο ταξιδίου έχει να κάνει με τα κύρια νομικά θέματα που περιστρέφονται γύρω από τη Συνθήκη Απαγωγής Παιδιού της Χάγης του 1980 και παρέχει σε δικαστήρια σε όλο τον κόσμο, επιφορτισμένα με την επίβλεψη υποθέσεων πιθανών απαγωγών παιδιών από γονείς διεθνώς που σχετίζονται με χώρες όπου μιλούν Ελληνικά με ένα μοναδικό, διεθνώς καθιερωμένο εργαλείο πρόληψης απαγωγής παιδιού από γονέα, εφαρμοσμένο στο δικαστήριο το οποίο υποστηρίζεται από τις διεθνείς νομικές, διπλωματικές και δικαιοδοτικές κοινότητες που είναι οικείες με την απαγωγή παιδιού από γονέα διεθνώς.
Μία εκτεταμένη έρευνα που διεξήχθη από το Ίδρυμα I CARE το καλοκαίρι του 2014 ερωτήθηκαν εκατοντάδες δικηγόροι και δικαστές σε όλο τον κόσμο οι οποίοι είναι βαθιοί γνώστες της απαγωγής παιδιού από γονέα διεθνώς. Τα ευρήματα της έρευνας έδειξαν ότι πάνω από 70% όλων των γονικών απαγωγών διεθνώς μεταξύ των ενενηντατεσσάρων εθνών που υπέγραψαν τη Συνθήκη Απαγωγής Παιδιού της Χάγης του 1980 συμβαίνουν όταν ένας γονέας παράνομα κατακρατεί ένα παιδί στο εξωτερικό χωρίς τη συναίνεση του άλλου γονέα ή δικαστική εντολή, παραβιάζοντας το δικαίωμα επιμέλειας του γονέα που έχει μείνει πίσω καθώς και το δικαίωμα του παιδιού στον στοχευμένο γονέα. Επίσης η έρευνα συμπέρανε ότι στη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των υποθέσεων της Συνθήκης Απαγωγής Παιδιού της Χάγης του 1980 που σχετίζονται με παράνομη κατακράτηση, ο γονέας απαγωγέας συχνά χρησιμοποιεί υπερασπίσεις απαγωγής που τους είναι διαθέσιμες υπό τα Άρθρα 12 και 13 της Συνθήκης της Χάγης με την ελπίδα το δικαστήριο στη χώρα όπου το παιδί έχει παρανόμως κατακρατηθεί να επικυρώσει την πράξη τους της μη επιστροφής του παιδιού στη χώρα αρχικής δικαιοδοσίας.
Όπως καταδεικνύεται από τον μεγάλο αριθμό υποθέσεων διεθνούς ταξιδιού παιδιών που έγιναν με επιτυχία χρησιμοποιώντας το έντυπο ταξιδιού του Ιδρύματος I CARE, συνεχίζουμε να είμαστε μάρτυρες του σημαντικού ρόλου που έχει ένα έντυπο συναίνεσης ταξιδίου με προσανατολισμό Χάγης στο οικουμενικό θέατρο της πρόληψης απαγωγής παιδιών διεθνώς. Παραμένουμε ιδιαιτέρως αισιόδοξοι ότι το οικουμενικό ποσοστό απαγωγής παιδιού από γονέα διεθνώς θα μειωθεί σημαντικά λόγω της χρήσης των εντύπων συναίνεσης ταξιδίου με προσανατολισμό Χάγης. Η ουσιώδης έρευνά μας υποδεικνύει ότι πάνω από το 70% όλων των απαγωγών παιδιών διεθνώς συμβαίνουν όταν ένα παιδί κατακρατείται παράνομα στο εξωτερικό – ακριβώς το σενάριο γονικής απαγωγής από το οποίο προστατεύει το δικό μας έντυπο.
Η δημιουργία και χρήση του δικού μας εντύπου συναίνεσης ταξιδιού είναι ιδιαίτερα απλή: τα παιδιά έχουν το δικαίωμα να γνωρίσουν τη μαγεία και ζήσουν σε έναν κόσμο απαλλαγμένο από την ανησυχία της απαγωγής παιδιού από γονέα. Και οι στοχευμένοι για απαγωγή γονείς έχουν το δικαίωμα να προστατεύσει η κοινωνία τα παιδιά τους από το να απαχθούν. Πιστεύουμε σε αυτά τα δικαιώματα. Το έργο και η αφοσίωσή μας συνεχίζονται.

The I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form Available In Greek

The I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form created to prevent international parental child abduction associated with a child being wrongfully retained by one parent in a foreign country is now available in Greek. The travel form addresses key legal issues revolving around the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and provides courts worldwide charged with overseeing potential international parental child abduction cases associated with countries that speak Greek with a unique, globally well-established court implemented abduction prevention tool that is widely supported by the international legal, diplomatic, and judicial communities familiar with international parental child abduction.
An extensive I CARE Foundation study conducted during the summer of 2014 surveyed hundreds of attorneys and judges located around the world deeply familiar with international parental child abduction. The study’s findings showed that over 70% of all international parental kidnappings amongst the ninety-four 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention member signatory nations occur when one parent wrongfully detains a child abroad without the child’s other parent’s consent or a court order, violating the left-behind parent’s right of custody and the child’s right to the targeted parent. The survey also concluded the overwhelming majority of 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention cases associated with wrongful retention, the abducting parent often uses abduction defenses available to them under Article 12 and Article 13 of the Hague Convention in hope to have the court located in the country the child has been wrongfully detained in sanction their act of not returning the child to their country of original jurisdiction.
Extensive high remarks for the I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form as a groundbreaking, comprehensive, and significant global international parental child abduction prevention tool have been voiced by the leadership within legal communities familiar with international parental child abduction during  legal forums around the world including compelling commentary from senior officers of the Hague Permanent Bureau during but not limited to international legal symposiums on child abduction held during the LEPCA Conference in the Hague, the IAML Conference in New York, and the Sapporo Bar Association’s Hague Symposium in Sapporo. In addition a large and growing number of attorney Bar Associations in the United States and abroad have published positive and meaningful feedback concerning the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form with clear intent to educate their legal constituents about the landmark child abduction prevention tool. Perhaps most meaningful is the reality that many judges around the world have praised the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form, have utilized the document in their courtrooms, and continue to implement the form in courtrooms around the world during child custody and child travel legal proceedings.
Demonstrated by the large number of international child travel cases that have successfully occurred utilizing the I CARE Foundation’s travel form, we continue to witness the important role a Hague-oriented travel consent form has in the global theater of international child abduction prevention. We remain highly optimistic that the global international parental child abduction rate will substantially decline due to use of Hague-oriented travel consent forms. Our substantial research indicates that over 70% of all international child kidnappings occur when a child is wrongfully detained abroad – the exact parental kidnapping scenario our travel form has successfully protected against.
The creation and use of our travel consent form is rather simple: children have a right to know magic and to live in a world free of concern from parental child abduction. And targeted parents of abduction have a right to have society protect their children from kidnapping. We believe in these rights. Our work and dedication continues.

Friday, October 24, 2014


I CARE財団の子供の渡航同意書を日本語で提供

外国で片親により不正に奪取された子に関わる国際的な親による子の奪取を防止するために作成されたI CARE財団の子供の渡航同意書は現在、日本語でも提供されています。この渡航同意書は、1980年ハーグ国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約をめぐる法的な問題に対応し、日本から及び日本へ来る国際的親による子供の奪取の可能性の案件の監視を担当する日本及び世界の裁判所に、国際的な親による子の奪取に精通し、国際法、外交、そして司法の社会に広くサポートされ、ユニークで世界的に確立された裁判所が実施する奪取防止ツールを提供します。

2014年の夏に実施された大規模なI CARE財団の調査では、国際的な親による子の奪取に深く精通した世界中の何百人もの弁護士や裁判官を調査しました。調査結果によれば、94ヶ国の1980年国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約の署名メンバー国全ての国際的な親による子の誘拐の70%以上は、片親が子供のもう一方の親の同意または裁判所の命令を得ることなく、不正に子供を外国で拘束し、残された親の保護権と対象なる親に対する子の権利に違反する時に発生しています。この調査でも、不正な拘束に伴う1980年国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約の相当数のケースでは、奪取する親は多くの場合、子供が不正に拘束された国にある裁判所が、元の司法権を有する国に子を戻さないという行為に対する制裁を期待し、ハーグ条約の12条と13条で供されている奪取の弁護を利用していると結論付けました。

I CARE財団の国際担当常任理事のPeter Thomas Senese は以下のとおり述べていました。「I CARE財団の渡航同意書を活用して発生したこの渡航のケースの多くにより示されており、我々が把握している範囲では、この文書を利用した全ての子は帰宅できており、我々は国際的子の奪取防止の世界的な舞台においてハーグ条約に基づく渡航同意書が持つ重要な役割を引き続き目撃し、公式ハーグ渡航同意書をグローバルな拘束防止のツールに取り込むことを検討する事務総長の意図をサポートしています。我々はグローバルな国際的親によるこの奪取の割合は、ハーグ条約を基にした渡航同意書の利用により大きく減少すると極めて楽観的に見ています。我々の相当の研究では、全ての国際的な子供の誘拐の70%以上は、子が不正に外国で拘束されている時に発生しています - 我々の渡航同意書がうまく保護した親による子の誘拐のシナリオそのもの。」

「I CARE財団の子を保護する献身的な取り組みを示しており、我々のグローバルに認知された渡航同意書は現在、1980年ハーグ国際的な子の奪取の民事上の側面に関する条約の調印国で話される全ての言語を含め、30か国語で翻訳中であり、これまで翻訳が行われてきました。加えて、我々の渡航合意書周辺の数多くの法的な説明やその他の関連情報は引き続き、専門法律文書翻訳者の高レベルなチームにより全て30か国に翻訳されます。明らかに、これは小さな作業ではありませんが、欠くことのできない取り組みであることということを発表できることは喜ばしいことです。」


The I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form Available In Japanese

The I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form created to prevent international parental child abduction associated with a child being wrongfully detained by one parent in a foreign country is now available in Japanese. The travel form addresses key legal issues revolving around the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and provides Japan’s and courts worldwide charged with overseeing potential international parental child abduction cases to and from Japan with a unique, globally well-established court implemented abduction prevention tool that is widely supported by the international legal, diplomatic, and judicial communities familiar with international parental child abduction.
An extensive I CARE Foundation study conducted during the Summer of 2014 surveyed hundreds of attorneys and judges located around the world deeply familiar with international parental child abduction. The study’s findings showed that over 70% of all international parental kidnappings amongst the ninety-four 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention member signatory nations occur when one parent wrongfully detains a child abroad without the child’s other parent’s consent or a court order, violating the left-behind parent’s right of custody and the child’s right to the targeted parent. The survey also concluded the overwhelming majority of 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention cases associated with wrongful retention, the abducting parent often uses abduction defenses available to them under Article 12 and Article 13 of the Hague Convention in hope to have the court located in the country the child has been wrongfully detained in sanction their act of not returning the child to their country of original jurisdiction.
Extensive high remarks for the I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form as a groundbreaking, comprehensive, and significant global international parental child abduction prevention tool have been voiced by the leadership within legal communities familiar with international parental child abduction during  legal forums around the world including compelling commentary from senior officers of the Hague Permanent Bureau during but not limited to international legal symposiums on child abduction held during the LEPCA Conference in the Hague, the IAML Conference in New York, and the Sapporo Bar Association’s Hague Symposium in Sapporo. In addition a large and growing number of attorney Bar Associations in the United States and abroad have published positive and meaningful feedback concerning the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form with clear intent to educate their legal constituents about the landmark child abduction prevention tool. Perhaps most meaningful is the reality that many judges around the world have praised the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form, have utilized the document in their courtrooms, and continue to implement the form in courtrooms around the world during child custody and child travel legal proceedings.
“Demonstrating the I CARE Foundation’s commitment to protecting children, I am pleased to announce that our globally recognized International Travel Child Consent Form is presently being or has been translated into 30 languages, including every language spoken by signatory countries of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention. In addition, numerous legal briefs and other pertinent information surrounding our travel form have and will continue to be translated into all 30 languages by a high-caliber team of professional legal translators. Obviously this is no small task; however, it is a vital undertaking.
“With respect to Japan, and for that matter all nation’s and their children, the creation and use of our travel consent form is rather simple: children have a right to know magic and to live in a world free of concern from parental child abduction. And targeted parents of abduction have a right to have society protect their children from kidnapping. We believe in these rights. Our work and dedication continues.”

Monday, June 16, 2014

What Travel Consent Form Should American Children Traveling Internationally Use? The I CARE Foundation's Travel Form

Travel Documents For Children?

Selecting the best international travel consent form for your child can be the complete difference between an international parental child abduction being carried out or not by the child's other parent. Yes - I said 'International parental child abduction'.  You see, the vast majority of children - and there are tens of thousands of children targeted each year for international parental child abduction - who fall prey to abduction come from multi-cultural families that are often in conflict such as a failing relationship or outright divorce.

In today's global environment, there is only one global abduction prevention tool that can prevent against a child being wrongfully retained abroad, and that is the I CARE Foundation's International Travel Child Consent Form.  The fact is, there is no other child travel consent form created like it, as it it steep in the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention language needed to defend against a parental abduction. 

In fact, the I CARE Foundation's travel consent form has been hailed by the international legal community including Hague Permanent Bureau Senior Officers as a critically important child abduction prevention tool that all parents around the world should use when allowing a child to travel abroad.


According to the I CARE Foundation's extensive research,  the majority of all cases of international parental child abduction occur when a child is wrongfully detained in a foreign country. The wrongful detention of a child abroad generally occurs during a court directed travel order or when travel occurs by mutual parental consent, particularly during the summer school break or the Christmas holiday season. However, unknown to the targeted parent who may either travel with the child or who may remain in the child’s country of habitual residency, the scheming parent intending to remain abroad with the child has more than likely crafted a well-orchestrated scheme that includes use of Article 12 and Article 13 of the Hague Convention in order to remain abroad with the child.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of children wrongfully detained in a foreign country do not come home.  The I CARE Foundation’s ‘International Travel Child Consent Form’ protects against misuse of all known international child abduction defenses under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, including Articles 12, 13, and 20, while upholding the intent and spirit of Article 1 of the Child Abduction Convention.
One of the major problems that exist today when parents are required to attempt to bring home their wrongfully retained child is that the ease parental child abductors have in defending their act of abduction has expanded significantly. One of the primary reasons behind this ease of defense is that courts around the world have wrongfully expanded the scope of Article 13 of the Hague Child Abduction Convention - the 'best interest' clause - to such a wide scale that it makes it extremely difficult for a left behind parent to reunite with their child. 

However there is real hope - hope that has been proven in a large and growing number of cases around the world: the I CARE Foundation's travel form has been able to mute fraudulent claims of an Article 12 and Article 13 defense in courtrooms around the world.

Peter Thomas Senese, the creator of the I CARE Foundation’sInternational Travel Child Consent Form and the Executive Director of the I CARE Foundation stated, “Perhaps the singular most important factor is that local courts in foreign countries are not abiding by the intent and spirit of the Hague Child Abduction Convention.  Specifically, all abductors will make defense claims under Article 12 or Article 13 of the Hague Convention.   Article 12 has to do with intent to relocate, and Article 13 has to do with the ‘Best interest of the child’, which recently has been expanded in many courts to include ‘Best interest of the child and extended family’. Unfortunately, Article 13 in particular has become the Achilles Heel of the abduction prevention community.

“Hague Conference During Hague proceedings, the convention calls for the inbound country’s Hague Court to look at Article 13 defenses only in extreme cases as the intent of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention is to determine which court has jurisdiction of the child, and then properly and expeditiously return that child to the country where the court of original jurisdiction is located.  However, around the world, courts are no longer acting in an expeditious manner as is cited under Article 1 of The Hague Child Abduction Convention.  Instead, local courts are calling for detailed findings of what is in the best interest of the child and in essence making their own custody ruling even though they are not the court of original jurisdiction. Problematically, these courts are in essence mooting not only the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention but they are essentially quashing the court orders originating from the child’s country of original jurisdiction.

“What the I CARE Foundation’s ‘International Travel Child Consent Form’ does is it upholds the intent and spirit of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, including Article 1’s ‘Expeditious determination clause’. In addition, the travel consent form strongly addresses misuse of Article 12 and Article 13 defenses, and essentially moots use of false claim.  In addition, the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form upholds the sanctity of the court of original jurisdiction located in the child’s country of habitual residency.

In essence, the I CARE Foundation’s ‘International Travel Child Consent Form’ is the only global child abduction prevention tool that safeguards against misuse of the Hague Child Abduction Convention defenses and calls for the immediate return of a child if that child is wrongfully detained by mutual consent of both parents.

Extensive high remarks for the I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form as a groundbreaking, comprehensive, and significant global international parental child abduction prevention tool have been voiced by the leadership within legal communities familiar with international parental child abduction during  legal forums around the world including compelling commentary from senior officers of the Hague Permanent Bureau during but not limited to international legal symposiums on child abduction held during the LEPCA Conference in the Hague, the IAML Conference in New York, and the Sapporo Bar Association’s Hague Symposium in Sapporo. In addition a large and growing number of attorney Bar Associations in the United States and abroad have published positive and meaningful feedback concerning the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form with clear intent to educate their legal constituents about the landmark child abduction prevention tool. Perhaps most meaningful is the reality that many judges around the world have praised the I CARE Foundation’s travel consent form, have utilized the document in their courtrooms, and continue to implement the form in courtrooms around the world during child custody and child travel legal proceedings.

For more information please visit The I CARE Foundation at www.theicarefoundation.org.  

For attorneys seeking access to the legal brief and analysis of the travel consent for contact legal@theicarefoundation.org 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Parental Child Abduction And The Need For An International Judiciary College

International Child Abduction: Zero Tolerance And The Need For Educating The Judiciary Regarding The Hague Convention


The  I CARE Foundation holds their unmovable position of zero tolerance when it comes to those individuals that are involved in the act of parental child abduction.  This is a serious crime that not only sees victimized children, but also the targeted parents, who in most cases are unaware that an abduction is being planned.  A parent does not have the right to abduct a child,  as well, a parent should never think that removing a child from the other parent by way of abduction is in the best interest of the child.  It is not!  The fact is, there are both short and long-term ramifications on the child which are well-documented.  The underlying reality is that once abduction occurs, regardless if the kidnapping is done by a known person or stranger, the child’s safety is placed in grave risk.
When issues arise regarding mobilization (when a parent wants to relocate to another country with the child but without the child’s other parent), these issues should be rectified in accordance with the law. Not by creating an evil scheme filled with false innuendos and accusations against the other parent so to create a misleading impression that abduction is critical for the child’s safety and well-being. It is not. Seeking legal assistance via criminal and civil remedies if abusive conditions exist is the option that must be sought.
A would-be abducting parent puts their child in harm’s way, and this is not acceptable! The I CARE Foundation takes the position that international parental child abduction is a severe form of child abuse with consequences that will be extreme and will impact all phases of the child’s life.  With that being said, we also acknowledge the severe negative impact that abduction has on the victimized targeted parents. Both parties, the child and the targeted parent, are victims when we are dealing with parental child abduction.
In nearly all cases of parental abduction, children are used as pawns by the abducting parent in order to carry out their extensive premeditated plan which includes, but is not limited to causing severe suffering to the child’s other parent. One of the greatest challenges that children and their targeted parent face is the lack of accountability through the courts.  If a court neglects to hold abductors or would-be abductors accountable, this not only means that the targeted parents may remain at the mercy of a vengeance-seeking abducting parent that has already caused considerable harm, but it also sends a very dangerous global message that parental child abductors have limited risks when it comes to legal accountability, both in respect to the courts, but also law enforcement.  This needs to change!
The I CARE Foundation believes strongly that the Hague Child Abduction Convention is the right mechanism that all nations should participate in and adhere to.
As we look forward and create changes to help protect the hundreds of thousands of children each year who are targeted for international abduction, we see the critical need to create an International Judiciary College.
The fact is that the vast majority of judges who oversee international child abduction cases have not been trained in the very complex legal, psychological, political, financial and logistical matters that impact all cases of international abduction.  We face a reality that has untrained judges and courts contributing to many failures, including properly and expeditiously overseeing legal proceedings that seek the return of abducted children to their country of habitual residency.  An International Judiciary College, ideally under the guidance of the Permanent Bureauwould have a dramatic impact on reducing the global abduction rate, but also increasing diplomatic relationships among countries. As well, it is highly conceivable that the issues that exist today regarding the lack of judicial compliance would be greatly reduced as more judges become trained on Hague matters.
The reality is that today many targeted parents who have experienced abduction and who have been abused by the abducting parent remain targets of their child’s kidnapper.  Courts are hesitant to hold parental child abductors accountable for their act. Part of the problem lies heavily in an untrained judiciary – judges who are not trained in the deep understanding of parental abduction matters.  Tragically, the result of untrained judiciary and actors involved in abduction matters is that the targeted parent will believe that the courts will not hold the abductor accountable and equally alarming – by failing to hold the abductor accountable – the courts in essence empower the abductor who has returned with the child after the kidnapping – to attempt to abduct again or to continue making allegations against the targeted parent.
Tragically, when a targeted parent of abduction receives little or no support or protection from the court while they are working to protect their child from abuse (including but not limited to abduction), then that parent can become disenchanted with the legal system they once believed would protect them and their child. They lose hope.
Sometimes claims of abuse are real, and we acknowledge this reality.  In such cases we urge all parents to seek all intervention and assistance available to them under the rules of law.  Conversely, we have also seen in a great number of international child abduction cases when both men and women make false claims against one another.  This is a reality.
As always we encourage all parents to be familiar with the RISKS AND WARNING SIGNS of international parental child abduction.  Being aware of these warning signs is critical in preventing an international abduction from occurring.  Never think that you or your child(ren) could not become a victim of this inhumane crime.  Be proactive and protect yourself… and your child(ren).
If you happen to be a parent that has a child that is traveling abroad, either by choice or by court order, please consider using the I CARE Foundation’s International Travel Child Consent Form.
For more information on international parental child abduction, please visit the I CARE Foundation’s official website.
Kindest regards,
Peter Thomas Senese
Executive Director
I CARE Foundation

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Connie Lee and the FACSA Foundation Launch SHATTERING THE SILENCE TOUR Documentary Film Project


Issued by: 
Connie Lee - FACSA Foundation Founding Director
(Tele. 318.540.4464)
(Email: facsasavethechildren@hotmail.com)
(Website: www.facsafoundation.org)

The Shattering The Silence Tour and Documentary Project, at FACSAFoundation.org, is changing the social stigma of child sexual assault, public policies, conducting current research of community needs and assessment, educating communities on prevention and education of child sexual assault, by hosting free conferences with local advocates; filming a documentary on survivors stories across the nation, the latest healing modalities, and the most effective counseling techniques, with the hundred and fifteen cities Shattering The Silence Tour and Documentary Project, at FACSAFoundation.org.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice 1-3 girls, and 16 boys, will be sexually assaulted before their eighteenth birthday. Statistics are from the 10% of reported accounts, for 90% do not tell. They are silenced by the perpetrator with threats to their lives or the lives of their loved ones; who is usually a dad, mom, uncle, trusted neighbor, friend, or community leader. The children remain silent due to fear of retribution from the perpetrator, or losing their only circle of support and love they have ever known, their family. This becomes their way of life until someone steps in and protects them. According to ChildHelp USA, 5 children die a day due to abuse and neglect.

Today is the day we no longer turn away in indifference. Today is the day we tell our children, we have heard their silent cries in the night and we share their pain. People believe it is easy to turn away because you don’t see it. I say, “This is not true, for you see it every day from the angry and volatile society; which shoots up schools, murders and rapes children; where crimes of petty theft receive more sentencing than the rape of a child; where children are sold into indentured servitude, child porn, or into prostitution. What kind of society have we become, where we stand by and allow such atrocities take place, and not raise our voices to change this?

Where is the OUTRAGE?  "Enough Is Enough, We Will Not Be Silent Any Longer!" Join the FACSA Foundation Revolution at FACSAFoundation.org, or any local child advocacy groups!! I pass the baton to you, for you to advocate for our children. The children are counting on you!
Listen To Connie Lee Speak About the
Learn More About The
FACSA Foundation and Connie Lee's Incredible Work

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Arrest International Parental Child Abductors And Those Who Scheme To Kidnap Children

Arresting international parental child abductors as well as those individuals who scheme, scam, and deceive another parent or stakeholders charged with overseeing the welfare of a child with the intent to illegally remove a child from their country of jurisdiction and wrongfully detain that child in a foreign country would send a strong message this summer to any individual thinking about committing the crime of child abduction.

Summer is known as the high season for international parental child abduction.

As stated by the DOJ website, there are several legal options available for parents who have had a child abducted.  Specifically, two federal criminal investigative options and one non-criminal or civil method may be pursued when a child is abducted by a parent and taken over state lines or outside the U.S. They are as follows:

  • Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP)—Parental Kidnapping: When criminal charges are filed by a state that requests our help, a criminal arrest warrant can be issued for an abducting parent who flees across state lines or internationally. See below for more details.

International child abduction has no borders or boundaries. It impacts the very fabric of society in an extremely negative way. And globally, the pandemic of cross-border child kidnappings grows (It should be noted that reported cases of abduction originating from the U.S. has declined by 15% over the past two years after nearly 30 years of growth: the drop in kidnappings is not believed to be a reflection of what is occurring globally).

The challenge with a criminal processes is that though it may lead to the arrest of the abducting parent, it does not specifically order for the return of the child, although the child is usually returned when the parent is apprehended.  Often, judges in other countries may appear hesitant to return a child if they know the abductor is going to be jailed because there is a misconception that doing so would not be 'in the best interest of the child'. 

Personally, I think that this is a wrong approach, particularly since the majority of scheming, scamming, fraudster child abducting parents have no concern about arrest. 

It should be noted that the general characteristics of the majority of child abductors according to numerous government and non-government organizations is that they are sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies.  Sadly, the act of abduction itself has everything to do with the sociopath seeking revenge against the other parent. Thus, they abduct the child in order to cause that parent pain and suffering.

So without concern of retribution and without regard to the child or their true target: the other parent, the conspire and create a disgraceful criminal scheme to abduct. Almost always, they will try to have the other parent arrested prior to the abduction.  In addition, online defamation and slander is used against the targeted parent in order to try to have the abductor's act of kidnapping sanctioned by a foreign court under Article 13 b of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

The end result all too often?  A kidnapper is given a green-light pass to attempt to destroy the targeted parent's other life. And many abductors no this . . . in many court cases the I CARE Foundation has assisted families in crisis due to abduction, there have been many instances where evidence has been presented to court establishing that the abductor had no concern for any retribution, and buoyed by that safeguard, escalated their attack on their target.  In the process, their abuse directed toward the child also escalated.

But perhaps it might be most beneficial to arrest a person who is scheming to commit abduction. Conceivably, there are many acts of fraud, contempt, and misrepresentation that occurs during the pre-abduction stage.  Arresting schemers would send a strong message to anyone thinking of kidnapping a child to think again.

International parental child abduction prevention awareness has played a critical role in decreasing the abduction rate in the United States these past two years. Much credit must go to the Department of State's Office of Children's Issues, and the men and women who work day-in and day-out assisting families of abduction.

But the fact remains, as indicated by the nearly 800 reported cased of IPCA in 2012 (and the estimated 800 to 1,200 unreported cases of IPCA), that there still remains a large problem in the U.S. One that is mirrored, if not magnified abroad.

Now I have said for years that I am a strong supporter of the Hague Convention. I still am. However, like most things in life, interpretation of the Hague by a signatory member state is subjective. All too often a country may not comply with the intent and spirit of the convention.

And there are stall tactics an abductor and their lawyers may use during litigation which will only increase the already extremely high cost of litigation for the victimized parent.  Without the financial ability to litigate a Hague Case, the chances of a parent reuniting with their child are slim.

Now going back to the U.S. Federal Government's authority in parental kidnapping cases, this stems from the Fugitive Felon Act as part of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1073–UFAP.

Although this statute most commonly applies to fugitives who flee interstate and/or internationally, Congress has specifically declared that the statute is also applicable in cases involving interstate or international parental kidnapping.

Because many fugitives flee with their own children, the statute serves as an effective means for the federal law enforcement to help local and state law enforcement arrest these fugitives. In order for the them to assist with a UFAP arrest warrant, the following criteria must be met:
  • There must be probable cause to believe the abducting parent has fled interstate or internationally to avoid prosecution or confinement.
  • State authorities must have an outstanding warrant for the abductor’s arrest charging him/her with a felony under the laws of the state from which the fugitive flees.
  • State authorities must agree to extradite and prosecute that fugitive from anywhere in the U.S. if the subject is apprehended by the federal law enforcement.
  • The local prosecuting attorney or police agency should make a written request for federal law enforcement assistance.
  • The U.S. Attorney must authorize the filing of a complaint, and the federal arrest process must be outstanding before the investigation is instituted.

To assist with the recovery of children abducted internationally, the U.S. implemented federal legislation under the International Child Abduction Remedies Act by signing the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in 1988. The Hague Convention is an agreement among its signatories that states:

...a child under 16 years of age who is habitually resident in a country party to the Hague Convention, and who is removed to or retained in another country party to the Convention in breach of the left-behind parent’s custody rights, shall be promptly returned to the country of habitual residence.
Signatory countries of the treaty are obligated, with certain limited exceptions and conditions, to return an internationally abducted child under 16 to the country from which they habitually reside if an application to the Hague Convention is made within one year from the date of the wrongful abduction. The Hague Convention only applies to abductions between countries who have signed the treaty.

Each signatory country has designated a Central Authority to carry out specialized duties under the Convention.

One thing is clear no matter what position you may take: international parental child abduction is a serious crime against a child and the targeted parent of abduction. And it must end.

As I reflect upon all the targeted men and women who have had their child either abducted or targeted for kidnapping, I can't help but think about how many of their lives have been permanantly turned upside down due to the unthinkable hardship each faced. The reality is that it is anticipated that only 10% of all internationally abducted children are ever returned.  This is terrible.

The key to stopping abduction is to prevent it.  Having parents scheming to abduct would be a logical plan.

The U.S. Department of State, Office of Children’s Issues, has been designated as the Central Authority under the Hague Convention for the United States. Questions concerning the Hague Convention should be addressed to the Department of State, Office of Children’s Issues at:

U.S. Department of State
Office of Children’s Issues
SA-29, 4th Floor, 2201 C. Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20520-2818
(202) 736-9090
(202) 736-9133 (fax)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Peter Thomas Senese: How To Stop Summer International Child Abductions: The Prevent Departure Program

            How To Stop International Child Abduction:
The Prevent Departure Program

On behalf of the I CARE Foundation, I have recently published an article titled Summer Vacations and International Child Abduction Warning Signs in which I provide detailed scenarios about some of the techniques would-be abductors use in order to wrongfully remove a child from their home country of jurisdiction.  As noted in the article, it is estimated that nearly 85% to  90% of all parental abductions in the United States or abroad occur during the school summer vacation, which means that child abduction prevention advocacy groups like the I CARE Foundation are preparing for abduction season. Part of preparation to fight against child snatching is to raise awareness of the realities of international abduction in hope that our messages about the warning signs that a kidnapping is being planned may allow a parent or other stakeholders the opportunity to prevent abduction.  Historically, the U.S. rate of reported cases of outbound abduction has declined by approximately 15% the last two reporting fiscal years (2011 and 2012) after nearly 30 years of reported growth. Which means that abduction prevention efforts are working.
Now one of the most concerning risk factors that will lead to international child abduction this summer is the use of a would-be taking parent to use a secondary passport not issued by the United States government in order to depart the country as shared in detail in the article published on behalf of the I CARE Foundation titled Summer Vacation. Child Abduction. Dual Citizenship. Two Passports. How To Prevent Abduction
I urge any parent who believes they are at risk of abduction to read both articles.
One of the most effective tools available for at-risk parents trying to prevent abduction is the Prevent Departure Program, which is a secure screening program that places a person considered by the courts or law enforcement to be a high-risk child abductor.  In order to be placed on the Prevent Departure Program, there are certain requirements, one of which presently includes that the person cannot be a citizen of the United States of America.  Thus, only aliens residents (or non-residents) physically located in the United States may be put on the Prevent Departure Program at the request of the Department of State to the Department of Homeland Security.
Unfortunately, the caveat is that in order for a person to be considered a candidate for the Prevent Departure Program they are not American citizens, which presents a problem since individuals who possess dual citizenship,including American citizenship, cannot be placed on the Prevent Departure Program list.  Hopefully, there will be a modification in policy so that American citizens who are considered to be high-risk child abductors can be placed on a secure screening list.  The following press release provides details of the need to have the Prevent Departure Program policy modified:  Peter Thomas Senese & The CARE Foundation Supports GAO Recommendation to Create Departure Screening List for High-Risk U.S. Citizens Considered High-Risk Child Abductors.
So what is the Prevent Departure Program and how can it be applied? 

Case Study

Lets begin by suggesting Parent A is a citizen of another country but lives in the United States with Parent B. Parent B is a United States citizen. Parent A need not be married to Parent B.

During the course of A and B’s relationship, a child is born in the United States. When this occurs, the child is automatically a United States Citizen by birth.

In all likelihood, the child also will retain automatic citizenship to the nation that Parent A is a national of.

Let us assume both parents enjoy a right of custody to the child either through marriage, or, in cases where there is no marriage, either by state statue or by court orders.

During the course of time, Parent A decides to end the relationship and desires to return to their nation of origin with the child.

Now, Parent B, having great concern that Parent A intends to take the child and flee the United States and go to another country, obtains court orders forbidding Parent A from taking the child out of the country. The court orders for Parent A to turn over to the court the child’s US passport if one has been issued, and further directs the child’s name to be registered with the Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program, thus essentially removing the potential abducting parent from being able to remove the child from the United States using an American passport issued in the child’s name.

In addition, Parent B successfully requests that the court notify the embassy of the country Parent A is a citizen of, whereas, the court informs the embassy that a child custody dispute is alive and well in the jurisdiction of the child’s country of habitual residency, and the court requests for that foreign embassy not to issue a passport in the child’s name, thus securing the inability of the child from departing until the court proceedings are finalized.

Problem solved? No

In many circumstances, a pending departure is already well planned before the targeted parent becomes aware of it. Parent A may already have in their possession a passport issued by their nation of origin for the child. If this is the case, it is very difficult for the US court to seize the foreign passport of the child, particularly if it is not known whether a passport has been issued in the child’s name.

If a passport has not been issued in the child’s name, then in all likelihood, Parent A will attempt to obtain one regardless if the child’s passport application requires Parent B’s signature or not. In fact, certain countries do not require the signature of the mother of a child, only the father.

In addition, each nation obtains a sovereign right to oversee their own citizens, and since the child may be considered a citizen of the country of Parent A too, the embassy is not required or obligated to follow the U.S. court’s orders. They have every right and may issue a passport in the child’s name despite requests not to do so. And make no mistake about this, in more cases than not, particularly if Parent A is very persuasive when communicating with someone from their own embassy, they will successfully obtain the passport.

If Parent A has possession of a non-US passport for their child, they very well may be able to physically leave the country with the child and illegally abduct the child. What is perhaps even more troubling is the fact that Parent B has no way or right to know if a passport was issued from the native country of Parent A in the name of the child.

A disaster waiting to happen? You bet it is.

But there is hope for those parents who find themselves in a scenario where Parent A is not an American citizen living in the United States with their child and, Parent A possess a foreign passport for the child of the relationship.

Since 2003, United States citizens have had available a very effective international child abduction prevention tool called ‘The Prevent Departure Program’. Unfortunately, many parents at risk of having their child internationally abducted are not aware that this incredibly useful tool is available to them.

In the aftermath of 911, the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Prevent Departure Program’ was created to stop non-U.S. citizens from departing the country. The program applies to non-US citizens physically located in America considered individuals at risk of child abduction. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) oversees this program and it is monitored 24 hours a day.
What the ‘Prevent Departure Program’ does is provide immediate information to the transportation industry, including all air, land, and sea channels a single point of contact at Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and provides a comprehensive database of individuals the United States believes may immediately depart to a foreign country.
The program only applies to aliens, and is not available to stop U.S. citizens or dual U.S./foreign citizens from leaving the country.
Under Section 215 of the ‘Immigration and Nationality Act’ (8 U.S.C. 1185) and it’s implementing regulations (8 CFR Part 215 and 22 CFR Part 46), it authorizes departure-control officers to prevent an alien’s departure from the United States if the alien’s departure would be prejudicial to the interests of the United States. These regulations include would-be abductions of U.S. citizens in accordance to court orders originating from the child’s court of habitual residency.
If the abductor and child are identified, they will be denied boarding. In order to detain them after boarding is denied, there must be a court order prohibiting the child’s removal or providing for the child’s pick-up, or a warrant for the abductor.
In order for an at risk parent to participate in the program, all of the following must be demonstrated:
1. Subject may NOT be a US citizen; and,
2. The nomination must include a law enforcement agency contact with 24/7 coverage; and,
3. There must be a court order showing which parent has been awarded custody or shows that the Subject is restrained from removing his/her minor child from certain counties, the state or the U.S.; and,
4. The Subject must be in the US; and,
5. There must be some likelihood that the Subject will attempt to depart in the immediate future.
With respect to the established guidelines listed above, note that in order to request the listing of the other parent, that person must be an alien of the United States. The program does not apply to US citizens at risk of leaving the country.
The second mandate states a request to place an individual’s name on the Prevent Departure Program must include support by a law enforcement agency or from the Department of State’s Office of Children’s Issues, which has the authority of requesting for the Department of Homeland Security to list a suspected child abductor on the ‘Prevent Departure Program’.
The third criteria: possessing a custodial order, is essential. Regardless if the other parent has joint custody or rights of visitation, critically, you must make sure that there are injunction orders in place prohibiting the child from being removed from the jurisdiction of habitual residency. Unfortunately, many international parental child abductions are well planned out in advance of the actual abduction, and the targeted parent has no idea that an abduction is in progress until it is too late. This is why it is essential for parents in partnership with non-nationals to be fully aware of the warning signs associated with a potential international child abduction.
The fourth criteria states the obvious: in order to prevent an alien-parent suspected of abducting a child on U.S. soil, that parent must be on U.S. soil.
The fifth criteria requests that the applying parent demonstrate that the alien-parent has demonstrated the likelihood of abducting the child across international borders in the immediate future. Remember – you need to document and record as much evidence as possible.
For many parents who face the risk of having their child abducted and removed across international borders, the nightmare that both targeted parent and victimized child face is unbearable. 
The Prevent Departure Program is not for everyone and should not be abused; however, in situations where an abduction threat is real and the targeting parent intent on abducting a child is a non-US citizen possessing the capacity to breach court orders and abduct a child of a relationship, the Prevent Departure Program may be a useful tool.
For more information on the ‘Prevent Departure Program’, please visit the U.S. Department of State’s website or contact the Office of Children’s Issues. 
Finally, the Department of State's Office Of Children's Issues Abduction Prevention Division is in charge of requesting that an individual be considered a candidate to be listed on the Prevent Departure Program.  From our experience, it is critically important that a court order be issued stating that a specific person be listed on the Prevent Departure Program, and that person is restrained from traveling outside of the United States with the specified children of the partnership considered by the court to be at risk of possible abduction.   
For more information on international parental child abduction please visit the I CARE Foundation.  Some of you may be interested in also visiting the official website of my deeply inspired novel about abduction titled CHASING THE CYCLONE, which contains a great amount of information on abduction. 
Kindest regards to all -